A life inside a different surroundings. Humans are paranoid of protecting animals from their extinction. They made laws, conservation moves and rights for the matter of safety of both worlds.
Some areas had been declared wildlife conservatory and some are made authentically. Like zoo's... zoo keepers had brought animals from their natural environment to an environment made by man. Anyone can enjoy watching animals which are not naturally living with humans. Families, friends, children, girls, boys, everyone are really had fun watching such a wonderful cration. There so many zoos built around the world but the real deal is, are they really protected or are just being used?
For people, its a nice thing. But for animals, is it a great experience living sorrounded by us? This is not an anti-zoo act, but merely a phrase that needs to think about. Let's just be fair to our sorroundings and be fair to other lives. If the animals are well treated then fine, but let's not abused them but, let's assure that we are their friends.
An effort we exert is an effort to reflect.
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